I Ching Talismans: Forge of Spiritual Sigils (Researches on the Toltec I Ching) (Vol. 10)

Words are sacred. I shall do my best not to waste them. Words have power: spiritual power; magical power; the power to evoke images. Images have the power to manifest change. The power to manifest change is magic. Change, as it affects human lives, falls into two archetypal categories: good fortune and misfortune.

One object of the wisdom teachings, particularly those relating to the diviner-shaman, is to lengthen times of good fortune and shorten times of misfortune. Talismans are images vested with the power to attract good fortune and ward off misfortune. Sigils are images vested with the power to bring about change.

The following principles outline the web of spiritual cause-and-effect giving rise to talismanic magic. Each of these axioms produces repercussions that ripple across the universe of meaning, and so, deserves more than cursory attention.

  • Soul is images.
  • Images are the substance of soul.
  • Images are soul.
  • Individual soul is a subjective reality most commonly experienced in ordinary dreams.
  • Universal soul is an objective reality most commonly experienced in extraordinary dreams.
  • Objective soul is the World Soul, homeland of individual souls.
  • The material world is the manifestation of the World Soul.
  • Every material form has a soul.
  • Individual souls manifest as material forms, such as stones, plants, animals, people, water, air, fire, sounds, symbols, words, etc.
  • Images awakened in the World Soul manifest in the material world.
  • Images are awakened by intention.
  • Intention is formed by uniting concentration and reverence.
  • Talismans and Sigils are images.

If the above sounds like nonsense for which no credible proof exists, then there is little point in you wasting your time with the rest of this book and I trust you will divest yourself of it at your earliest convenience. If, however, it resonates with you, then you are already on the path of animist-shaman-healer-diviner and you may find this book a useful tool in fulfilling the purpose of this lifetime.

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