Facing Light: Preparing for the Moment of Dying

facing-the-lightOn April 19, 2003, at the age of 53, a genetic flaw in one of the author’s arteries caused a massive heart attack. Some twenty minutes later, his heart stopped and he was dead for some two minutes. Though he regained consciousness the following day, the elapsed time seemed substantially longer—more in the realm of months, during which he was graced by the presence of innumerable great-souled spirits. This small work is his humble effort to contribute to the growing body of work arising from the growing number of revenants speaking about the art of dying as the art of living. Certainly, the near-death experience is going to be more common as medical science progresses. This carries the real-world implication that the perspective, values and sense of purpose revenants bring back to the living will inevitably make an impact on civilization at large.

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