The Open Secret I Ching: The Diviner’s Journey and the Road of Freedom (Researches on the Toltec I Ching) (Volume 6)

If The Toltec I Ching were an archeological dig, The Open Secret I Ching is the artifact uncovered. Bringing together all the original material that eventually formed the vision of The Toltec I Ching, The Open Secret I Ching provides a firmer understanding of the dynamics leading to the re-ordering of the ancient book of divination. Even more anti-authoritarian than The Toltec I Ching, The Open Secret I Ching examines all the archetypal situations facing the Spirit of the Age and advises on strategies and tactics by which free-living people can avoid being dominated by those who would rule them.

This book is Volume Six in The Researches on the Toltec I Ching series.

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